
A simple event-driven library for parsing WebAssembly binary files (or streams).


Return an Err(WasmError::Unsupported(msg)) where msg the string built by calling format! on the arguments to this macro.


Index type of a passive data segment inside the WebAssembly module.

Index type of a defined function inside the WebAssembly module.

Index type of a defined global inside the WebAssembly module.

Index type of a defined memory inside the WebAssembly module.

Index type of a defined table inside the WebAssembly module.

This ModuleEnvironment implementation is a “naïve” one, doing essentially nothing and emitting placeholders when forced to. Don’t try to execute code translated for this environment, essentially here for translation debug purposes.

Index type of a passive element segment inside the WebAssembly module.

WebAssembly event.

Index type of an event inside the WebAssembly module.

Index type of a function (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.

Contains information passed along during a function’s translation and that records:

WebAssembly to Cranelift IR function translator.

Temporary object used to build a single Cranelift IR Function.

A WebAssembly global.

Index type of a global variable (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.

Index type of an instance inside the WebAssembly module.

Specialized index for just instance types.

WebAssembly linear memory.

Index type of a linear memory (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.

Index type of a module inside the WebAssembly module.

Contains information decoded from the Wasm module that must be referenced during each Wasm function’s translation.

Specialized index for just module types.

Index type of a signature (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.

WebAssembly table.

Index type of a table (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.

Index type of a type inside the WebAssembly module.

WebAssembly function type – equivalent of wasmparser’s FuncType.


An entry in the alias section of a wasm module (from the module linking proposal)

An index of an entity.

A type of an item in a wasm module where an item is typically something that can be exported.

Globals are initialized via the const operators or by referring to another import.

The value of a WebAssembly global variable.

How to return from functions.

WebAssembly table element. Can be a function or a scalar type.

A WebAssembly translation error.

WebAssembly value type – equivalent of wasmparser’s Type.


Version number of this crate.


Environment affecting the translation of a single WebAssembly function.

An object satisfying the ModuleEnvironment trait can be passed as argument to the translate_module function. These methods should not be called by the user, they are only for cranelift-wasm internal use.

Environment affecting the translation of a WebAssembly.


Create a Block with the given Wasm parameters.

Get the parameter and result types for the given Wasm blocktype.

Turns a wasmparser f32 into a Cranelift one.

Turns a wasmparser f64 into a Cranelift one.

Special VMContext value label. It is tracked as 0xffff_fffe label.

Helper function translating wasmparser possible table types to Cranelift types when possible, or None for Func tables.

Translate a sequence of bytes forming a valid Wasm binary into a list of valid Cranelift IR Function.

Helper function translating wasmparser types to Cranelift types when possible.

Type Definitions

A convenient alias for a Result that uses WasmError as the error type.